Formerly known as The Amity Park Photography Zone, this site is a live documentation of the ghost attacks happening in Amity Park.
"Ghost attacks, Calamity? Did you seriously change your college photography portfolio for that hoax?"
Yes, because they aren't a hoax.
I'm not even sure why people aren't believing us! A giant meat monster literally attacked our school! A flying ghost boy defeated it! Who cares that there weren't any teachers around to see it; it was a Giant. Meat. Monster.
Not to mention the fact that more and more sightings are being reported! No one has gotten a clear picture yet, but that's noing to stop me. And considering how a lot of the sightings have been reported around Casper High, I'm sure I'll get something soon.
(P.S. The Fenton's were proved right! I knew they weren't complete quacks, take that Ashley!)